If there's one thing 2020 has taught society, it's that having access to locally sourced food products is essential. In light of that, we at ALL Family Farm would like to share some of the benefits of which come from supporting local farms.
1) Buying local foods is beneficial for your health and that of your family. Buying from local farmers, allows you access to fruits and vegetables that you know are chemical free, as well as grass-fed meats (or in our case-milk and pasture fed), fresh eggs, and dairy from cows that feast on local green grass each day.
2) Improve your local economy. This one is pretty self-explanatory but when customers buy local, more of the money remains within the community. It is also not unusual to find that local business owners in turn support other local businesses which further strengthens the local economy.
3) Getting to know the people behind the product. This is in our opinion, one of the greatest benefits to buying locally sourced products.
4) Personalized service. Having ready access to the owners/farmers means that owner personally know their customers. They get to know the products you buy or the services you request on a regular basis and can tailor services to make your experience even better. To local businesses, customers are also members of their communities so that's even more reason to make every experience an enjoyable one.
Those are just 4 of the reasons why we believe it's important to support locally sourced food. We at ALL Family Farm are in the process of expanding our farm infrastructure to allow for us to be able to provide you our awesome customers with year round access to our delicious meat. We have been able to get a lot of the groundwork done and we look forward to the day we can say our expansion is complete! If you follow us on Facebook, you might have seen that we created a gofundme page to allow customers to donate. The link to that gofundme is at the bottom of this blog. As always, our thanks to all our customers! We look forward to continuing our role of providing delicious, healthy, farm fresh Berkshire pork to your families! #supportlocal #localfoods #ALLFamilyFarm